The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Beckham's sweet goal

Check out Beckham's sweet goal to vanquish Ecuador.


Ipod Shuffle (completely stolen from The Brewer)

1. Wanderlust by Duke Ellington
- I won't lie, I really just listen to the Duke or any other Jazz while i study. Even then, its not that often.
2. Fixxxer by Metallica
- I do like me some Metallica! Makes me think of The Gav my Mainest-Metallica-Man!
3. Pain Killers by Everlast
- WHITEY FORD! The I first heard this song hangin' w/ the 'Youb!
4. Lukin by Pearl Jam
- ohhoho! PJ! A true representation of my musical tastes, not surprising since 495 of my 3970 (around 12%) songs are by Pearl Jam.
5. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans by Louis Armstrong
- An amazingly appropriate tune, i first heard it when compiling a mix for Miami Gras. Good times.

Well, thats 5 random songs on my Ipod.


The Ten Commandments are....Sweet?

He'd like to make sure the 10 commandments are on display...but can he name them?


Good old Joe

My good friend Joe has sent me a link to his new website. I urge everyone to check out his amazing photography!



World Cup and Soccer's General Insanity

I was reading a recent SI and I came to learn of Kerlon Moura Souza, an 18 yr old player for a the Brazilian team. Anyway, he invented The Seal Dribble where he flicks the ball from his feet to his head and can run while dribbling it off his head! This makes it impossible for a defender to get the ball from him without fouling him. Amazing!

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