The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Ipod Shuffle (completely stolen from The Brewer)

1. Wanderlust by Duke Ellington
- I won't lie, I really just listen to the Duke or any other Jazz while i study. Even then, its not that often.
2. Fixxxer by Metallica
- I do like me some Metallica! Makes me think of The Gav my Mainest-Metallica-Man!
3. Pain Killers by Everlast
- WHITEY FORD! The I first heard this song hangin' w/ the 'Youb!
4. Lukin by Pearl Jam
- ohhoho! PJ! A true representation of my musical tastes, not surprising since 495 of my 3970 (around 12%) songs are by Pearl Jam.
5. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans by Louis Armstrong
- An amazingly appropriate tune, i first heard it when compiling a mix for Miami Gras. Good times.

Well, thats 5 random songs on my Ipod.


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