The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


surprise surprise, Fox News gives a glowing review to the President

Fox News is now in the business of saying that the President's public speaking has traveled leaps and bounds. Fox manages to keep itself "fair and balanced" by saying that the president wasn't always the best speaker nor is he now. Which in itself i think is news, hard hitting and excellent news. All i'm saying it just seems like more of Fox's pandering.

The FCC, not complete crap?

It is good to see that the FCC has decided that Saving Private Ryan, a film that won 5 academy awards, wasn't too indecent to show without massive editing. ABC showed it last veterans day unedited and apparently people voiced concern to the FCC about the violence and profanity. despite the massive warnings, and the fact that it is a widely seen film and everyone should have a good idea about what you're getting into when you watch the movie, people still felt the need to complain. and apparently the FCC managed to exercise the control of a normal person and say: "too bad! Saving Private Ryan is a great movie and if you don't want to see the violence and profanity then don't watch." This is definitely an area where i'd like to see less involvement from the federal govt. and just let us watch what we want. there are v-chips right? parents still stop in on on their 4 year olds and make sure she isn't watching hardcore porno all the time right?

Lieberman the weak link in the chain?

I have been reading some rumbling on Daily Kos, as well as Talking Points about the possibility of Sen. Lieberman getting on board with the President's plan to reform Social Security. Clearly this would be a quite bad for the Dems. To be successful as an opposition party we need to stay unified to be effective. Allowing the term "bi-partisan" to be attached to this bill would be a massive set back because not only would it weaken the Democratic party's position on the issue but also strengthen the Republicans' resolve. If Social Security is going to be reformed in this way I, as a democrat, would like to be able to point right at the Republican party for the fallout from this very costly change. I told the Sen. that he needs to stand tall with his party right now and i think that every else should too. Sen. Lieberman.

Just starting

I just got this bad boy up and running...sort of. I'm still learning and i'm sure that this will be quite shitty. Enjoy!

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