The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Frito Bandito: Memories of Drew

When I was younger I (and others) would punish a friend's younger brother by writing "Frito Bandito" (the character is pictured above) on his head. We would use any permanent writing implement we could find.
One time, he sneezed directly on me and I accidentally back handed the kid across the face: bitch-slap-style.
My buddy Chaim once tossed an ottoman onto the kid.
Another time, Colin, myself, and Tom threw Drew out onto a frozen pile of snow and left him by the side of the road.
Drew is a totally cool guy, I'm extremely surprised he isn't a weirdo because of all the abuse we heaped upon him when we were younger.
Good times.


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't think he's a weirdo? I might disagree....

don't forget the drop of coca-cola, and spinning the cat in the mail bag...


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