The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


PB, V-Day, and the Linc!

I found out the other day that my Pops, PB, has taken a stand against Valentine's Day. Apparently the old man has reached the end of his proverbial rope. He objects to celebrating Valentine's day but is not actually worked up about having to buy things. He still bought Mom flowers, however, instead of the card reading "Happy Valentine's Day!" it read "Have a Happy Lincoln's Birthday!". I think PB has simply reached a point in his life where he is gonna do whatever the fuck he wants, in other words "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!".
I have to give it too him, it is pretty cool. The flowers keep the peace at home and yet he can still stick it to the man and praise one of our country's greatest presidents. Good work PB! Maybe this year is the year you get Nixon!


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