The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Bad hair and Crime

Because of my clinical placement, I get the dubious pleasure of getting to clap my eyes upon a lot of criminals. I have noticed several things about the average criminal but the most interesting is the previlance of extremely bizzarre hair. The first of which is....the rat tail.

I think the common link between the awful haircut and being a criminal comes down to terrible decision making. This is the haircut they CHOSE! It isn't as if this guy walked into the barber shop and said: "just a littel off the top." and then was saddled with a rat tail. It was a conscious decision. He asked for his hair to be short, real short, everywhere except for about a nickle sized amount in the back. Oh Yeah! If you think this haircut looks good it must be more likely that you would think growing a forrest of marijuana in your shed is a good idea too.


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