The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


michigan predictions

After looking at what the best and worst minds in college football have to say about PSU and the wolverines i have made, what i'm sure will be, an astoundingly accurate prediction for the game today. It is critical for Penn State to come out with the same intensity on the road that they had at home last week. A big road win, and don't be mistaken this would be a big road win, will go a long way with pollsters and will answer the few remaining questions about Penn State.

The yellow areas are those where the Penn State game will be broadcast. not bad for a team who started the season unranked! Keep the balll rolling baby!

Anyway, to the predictions!

JB says:
PSU: 24
Mich: 10


At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad, so bad. Friday night in Ann Arbor was so packed with delusional Nittany (does that have something to do with lice?) Lions fans who have now slunk home.
Stick your face in a WOLVERINE'S den at your peril. Go BLUE. NOW and FOREVER.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I think I know where Penn State might be. I looked it up. Let me point out a few differences between our two institutions. Penn State was a leading pioneer in mushroom research. Michigan brought the world Jonas Salk (polio vaccine), Francis Collins(human genome) a few Nobel prizes in physics. . .Arthur Miller. . . you see you're NOT IN OUR LEAGUE. S'OK. Don't cry.

At 3:52 AM, Blogger JB said...

I am not sure you all were aware, but Ann Arbor's a whore...and Michigan refs needed cheating to help win the game. Very classy! Go Blue? How does three losses feel? Good? Bad? I would imagine it feels bad....i wouldn't know. We're not in your league? You mean, losing three games? God, I hope not. Enjoy the bottom fo the Big Ten, retards!

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice vocabulary! (Not quite up to Michigan SAT/LSAT/GRE standards, of course, which explains why you're THERE.) You're quite correct--we haven't been playing up to the "winningest college football program in history"'s level this year. But YOU'RE gone and we beat Michigan State, so. . . Please please PLEASE do not ever come to Ann Arbor yourself. You people make the Buckeye fans look civilized.

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it, Anon. Swordface doesn't understand that when we lose to, say, Minnesota--it's humiliating as hell, but it's all in the family. We've been playing for that damn little brown jug for close to a hundred years and we'll get it back. Even Ohio State is like a big dumb smelly cousin whose ass needs kicking. Penn State just doesn't belong with us. They should get in some East Coast league and play Virginia Tech or something.

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, would you hire this guy as your lawyer?

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We wuz robbed!!!!sniff" seems to be his main defense/attack/response.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad us Northwestern Alums will never see another Rose Bowl or Big 10 championship. 95 was a fluke.


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