The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Joe Paterno

Nolan sent me this article and it is awesome! My favorite quote is this:

"I can do things physically that some of the kids on my team can't do," he says. "If I went like this [he stands and, with heels flush against the floor, begins touching the carpet with his hand], I bet you there aren't six of you that can do what I can do. I can do that 50 times."

I sneak over to the next table, where Penn State quarterback Michael Robinson is sitting.

"You ever see Joe do that thing where he touches the floor?" I say.

Robinson rolls his eyes. "Yeah," he says, "but we're like, 'Coach, you're bending your knees. Seriously, Coach.' I mean, he's 140 years old. A lot of guys that old can't touch the floor, even with their knees bent. There's a fountain of youth near his house and I hope I find it."

I hope Joe coaches forever! LETS GO STATE!


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