The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Stand up for yourself poindexters!!!!!

I like evolution. no wait, i love evolution. I think it is definitely the way that life evolved on earth. There is some sort of weird evolution trial going on in Kansas. Which would be quite amusing to watch i'd imagine. But, there is an article on CNN where the scientists supporting evolution don't want to take the stand. I'm all for being above the rediculousness that is the "debate" over evolution but if one is on the side that has the mountain of evidence (evolution), as opposed to the side of "god must have done it because how else could it have happened?" (intelligent design), one should want to take the stand and testify as to the inherent rightness of you side and destroy the pitiful opposition to your correctness! VIVA EVOLUTION!!!!!!!


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