Ladies and Gentlemen....JEFF GANNON!
There was a recent post on Wonkette about Jeff Guck....errr...Jeff Gannon, Male Pornstar and conservative news reporter. This is what he had to say:
"I brought a visual aid. Even though this represents the red/blue county map, it's actually green because I ran out of ink on my printer. But see all the green out there? Those are the people that are interested in the questions that I ask."
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I found it to be a delightful melange of arrogance and ignorance. Who could forget, apparently now defunct news outlet Talon News, the "news" outlet Gannon was working for when he was issued a press pass to the Whitehouse. Talon News now only has this to say:
The recent public focus on Talon News, while much of it malicious, has indeed brought some constructive elements to the surface. It has also brought many kind messages of support, and for that we are extremely grateful.
In order to better serve those readers across the country who enjoy Talon News content and look forward to receiving it each day, we feel compelled to reevaluate operations in order to provide the highest quality, most professional product possible.
Thus, Talon News will be offline while we redesign the web site, perform a top-to-bottom review of staff and volunteer contributors, and address future operational procedures.
We look forward to bringing an even better product to our readers in the future.
Jeff Gannon deserves only ridicule and derision. I honestly don't see the point of having him as a guest to anything at all. If he is a journalist he might be the worst journalist of all time. I don't think that it is a stretch to believe that parts of the Whitehouse wanted him there for his softball questions and strong, if ultimately detached from this universe, presence.
It makes a nice package for the administration when you are paying columnists for their support of your programs and there are "plants" in the Whitehouse press-corps to send up and easy question from time to time. This really helps the Whitehouse spread its propaganda...errr...dogma....err "truth" to the people.
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