The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


Don't trust those bastards!

You know me, i'm Sam Watterson or you might know me as Jack McCoy; the straight shooting rough and tumble District attorney on Law and Order. I'm here to tell you today to not trust those fucking sons of bitches Merrill and Schwab! Merrill, is a thief and a cheat. My god, he is nothing but a bull and not even a man! Would you give your money to a fucking bull?
With Chuck you might as well be giving your money to a retarded chimp!
Why just the other day i tried to invest a paltry $500,000, that I earned for being the straight-shootingest sonuvabitch on TV, with Chucky Schwab and he told me to go fuck myself! Well I retorted: "Nobody Talks to tv star Sam Waterston like that you pasty biatch! I'm going to go invest with T.D. Water-muthafucking-house!". T.D. Waterhouse, its the bomb!


Sam Waterston


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