The Sword of Truth and Justice

Another law student who is joining the Blogging fray!


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This article was from the commentary section of and was written by Cal Thomas. Mr. Thomas really disagrees with the Supreme Court's recent decision that executing people for crimes they committed as a minor is unconstiutional. Which is fine, it is entirely possible for rational peopel to differ on what constitutes a violation of the 8th and 14th amendment. However, later in the article he goes on to say:

So the Court extends a zone of protection to anyone under the age of 18, even if they commit mass murder. But it has removed any zone of protection for an innocent unborn child and permits abortion on demand.

What kind of twisted morality and twisted law is that? It makes the coming battle for the Supreme Court even more important.

I'm personally a firm believer in a woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion or not, again another instance in me believing that govt. shouldn't have a say in a citizen's personal choice. But i disagree with this man's characterization of the law that the Court has promulgated regarding abortion. The Court has said for a while that a State has an interest in protecting the unborn. The Court has also upheld state regulations requiring women to undergo hours of counseling and multiple doctor visits in order to have an abortion. This doesn't really sound like "on demand" abortion to me. I'm pretty sure this is just the current state of federalism in the U.S. In fact ever since Roe v. Wade the rights that were initially issued to women have been steadily rolled back in the name of Federalism, State's Rights, and the rights of the unborn.

I also resent the blatant statement that: supporting a woman's right to choose and supporting the idea that executing people for crimes committed while they were children violates the constitution makes me a morally twisted individual. I know plenty of Conservative minded individuals that hate it when President Bush is called stupid because it essentially means that the speaker is calling them stupid for supporting him. This is how I feel in this situation. I've been told that I'm immoral because of my views. This is just as wrong as attempting to make conservatives feel stupid by Calling President Bush stupid.

Just as a side note I highly doubt that Fox News will be running a counter opinion article saying that the Court’s decision that executing people for crimes committed as children is unconstitutional and stand up and defend a woman’s right to choose.


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